Human resources management is of central importance to companies.
Among the various functions that a talent management department is responsible for is promoting a competitive compensation and benefits structure that is adapted to the needs of employees.
It should be an organization's concern to ensure that it provides its employees with properly structured salary components and extra-salary benefits that are qualified as efficient from a fiscal and para-fiscal point of view. With active management in this area, the employee's disposable income is boosted and, consequently, the employer's wage, tax and parafiscal costs are minimized.
There are tax-efficient benefits and compensations available to Portuguese managers, which maximize the tax efficiency of the remuneration structure, favouring the working environment and promoting a reduction in the expenses incurred by their organizations. Among the benefits that can be assessed are shares in company profits (balance sheet bonuses), contributions to pension funds or capitalization insurance, subsidies for family expenses, among others.
The adoption of a flexible benefits policy should also be considered by organizations, maximizing the associated tax benefits and minimizing the costs of these benefits for the organization. In fact, the social benefits granted by companies should be adjusted according to the needs of those for whom they are intended. Planning social benefits makes it possible to reconcile the financial and tax advantages for the company and the employees, with the consequent increase in employee satisfaction.
In the face of a competitive and ever-changing job market, we provide our clients with a wide range of support, identifying and structuring salary plans that are appropriate to the positions held, including ancillary and variable remuneration, as well as helping organizations to design and implement flexible social benefit plans.